The most successful people in life and business have a coach and/or mentor to help them grow and develop to the next level. I spent 15 years as a Marriage and Family Therapist helping individuals and families heal. During that time, I discovered that the coaching I provided to my clients was actually more beneficial and healing to them than the therapeutic work they initially requested. The reason life coaching works so well is because instead of focusing on past trauma and experiences, the focus is on resolving present challenges while focusing on a successful future. I found that coaching works better for my clients in moving past present challenges in order to meet goals.
I am currently offering 3 coaching packages listed below. These are the 3 areas where many people have struggled and experienced great success. A little secret, I also struggled in these areas at one time and experienced tremendous growth so I know what it's like and you are not alone! If you would like to discuss a more personalized package, you can send your request here.
Life & Mindset coaching
The real battle of life is in the mind. The reason you are not succeeding and meeting your goals the way that you feel you should be, is because of a habitual mindset that is holding you back. It’s the little things that you tell yourself over and over that forms the daily habits. During this coaching experience, you will discover how to move beyond self-limiting beliefs and habits, to experience an improved sense of passion and motivation to thrive in every area of your life!
Business & Professional coaching
Whether you’re feeling stuck as an entrepreneur or struggling to reach a promotion, coaching can help. Professional coaching focuses on mitigating weaknesses, building strengths, and growing as a leader. Discover how the 3 Ps Formula I created can accelerate you to the next level, and beyond.
relationship coaching
Relationships are hard. Communicating effectively is hard. Any time you bring two people together, it takes work to ensure that the relationship machine is well oiled and runs smoothly. During the relationship coaching program, you will move from feeling overwhelmed and empty, to feeling free and full of life!