Your Most Valuable Asset
Photo by joey graham
What is your most valuable asset?
Generally when people think about their most valuable assets, they think about things they own such as their home. A big problem with that is most people have a mortgage and don’t actually own their homes outright. If you have a mortgage, then you don’t technically own your home because you share ownership with the mortgage company.
Some people think their kids are the most valuable asset they have, which is also not true because children grow up and become adults who live out their own lives.
The most valuable asset you have is time. It’s not money, or things, or relationships. Time is the only asset you cannot replace or reproduce because once it has past, it is gone forever. The mortality of time is the exact reason it is imperative to protect it in your life.
So now what?
Here are some actions you can take:
Protect your time by eliminating the things that are not in alignment with your goals and vision for your life.
Prioritize your time and schedule according to those goals first.
Learn to say “no” to things, events, and relationships that don’t align with your values and goals.
Evaluate your schedule, time, and focus often; then adjust where needed.
The good news is that you are in charge of your time. If you are living a life that feels draining and is sucking the energy out of you, you have the power to change it!
I want to encourage you today to clarify your goals, evaluate how you are spending your time, and then adjust as needed. This is imperative in order for you to live according to your vision, and avoid looking back on your life 40 years from now wishing you had been more intentional with your time.
xo Crystal
P.S. I know this isn’t always easy, which is why I offer individual coaching. I have seen so many people breakthrough barriers towards success during coaching sessions. If you’re interested in learning more about my individual coaching program I would love to hear from you, just click here