Christianity 101
Photo by Aaron Burden
Social media has given us ways to stay connected, and consume information in greater quantities and with greater speed than ever. The negative side to that however, is what I often see…an increase in negativity, comparison, and judgment. Following Christ, demonstrating Christ-like behaviors, and teaching children what christianity is in a multi-faceted, digital, social media frenzy world, can feel complex and daunting. However, the foundation is quite simple!
Love God. Love people.
Live your life with those two goals and you’ve got Christianity down!
Too simple, right? It’s not, but the problem is that many christians are living by their interpretation of Biblical law, and basing their actions on that interpretation. So let me break it down further.
We are called to love.
Not to be legalistic
Not to judge
Not force religion on people
Not to make agendas
Not to “play a part”
Not to be perfect
We are called simply to LOVE which includes
Your neighbor who has different beliefs
Your co-worker who is struggling
People who don’t look like you, talk like you, choose like you, behave like you.
So if someone asks you, “what is being a Christian?” You can sum it up like this:
Loving God and loving people. Period. End of story.
xo Crystal