Ensuring Success in 2018
Photo Cred: Norwood Themes
As we enter into a New Year, many of us will make New Year’s Resolutions. The problem with resolutions is that few of these resolutions made by Americans actually stick by mid-year. I encourage you to develop a vision and establish goals for the New Year rather than resolutions. Successful people have a vision and successful businesses know the value of a well-written mission statement.
What is the difference between a resolution and a goal?
New Year’s Resolution: A promise to yourself for the new year, usually spoken verbally and sometimes announced to others.
A Goal: A written declaration of a desired result with a timetable and measurable outcome.
The success of an individual’s vision is more likely to be accomplished if there is a clear statement of goals ahead of time. The same inspiration and motivation that companies have through their mission statement is the same that you need for your own ambitions. You need to proclaim a vision and specific goals to support that vision for yourself and embrace it with enthusiasm. Declaring something as so, brings it into existence. The vision is spoken, the vision is proclaimed, and it will come to be as it is written. Yes, it happens just that way!
What is a vision? A vision is an example of moving from doing to being. When you work on the goals (the steps toward your vision) you move from doing things to being what you envisioned. The vision statement you create and proclaim will allow you to overcome short-term difficulties by looking at long-term possibilities.
Vision: “I will be physically healthier”.
Identify Specific and Measurable Goals
The goals and vision are something you want, not something you don’t have. Make affirmations (strong, positive statements) that something is already so!
What does that look like?
Instead of saying: “I need to lose 20 pounds this year!” or “I will stop eating junk food!”
Say: “I eat more vegetables each week and exercise at least 1 hour per week”.
Notice that these statements of goals are focused on the positive. When we make statements of what we won’t do or deprivation statements (I will not do this), it translates to a sense of loss in our brains instead of a sense of gain. Do not worry that you are not there yet. You may not eat more vegetables yet or exercise at all, but if you make the statement as if you are already doing it...you are much more likely to become that!
Vision: “To get out of debt”
Instead of Saying: “I will stop spending money on things I don’t need”
Say: “I pay an extra $50 towards the credit card each month”
What you say is your measurable goal! You can get out of debt (vision) by paying an extra $50 each month above the minimum payment due (measurable goal). You will have to complete the calculations ahead of time to determine whether or not you will meet your long-term goal (get out of debt by the end of the year) by creating your short-term goal (pay the extra $50/month). If it cannot be done in a year, then you need to make adjustments to your statements. You can get out of debt, and maybe it takes 2 years instead of 1 year. You can get healthier, and maybe it takes 3 years for the total vision to come to pass. Or maybe you actually complete your goal ahead of schedule because you increased your actions consistently. Consistency in action, the knowledge to accomplish the tasks related to the goal, and a positive attitude and mindset are all you need to succeed and reach OR EVEN EXCEED your goals this year!
If you are realistic and write down positive, specific, measurable goals, you can experience a transformation in 2018 AND a transformation in your life! I challenge you to start now! This can be your best year, once you decide it is and take those consistent actions.
If you need some extra help setting and meeting your goals, I am here to help you tap into that inner-power you have. Just click here now!
xoxo Crystal