Transformation During a Storm

In life there are storms.  Storms come in many forms such as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Storms can feel overwhelming, chaotic, and dark.  Often in the darkest times of our lives it is difficult to see light.  Transformation comes not in the lightest of times, but in the darkest of times. The challenge is in seeing the light amidst the storm by filtering out the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that cloud the light. 

The first step is to change your thoughts.  Thoughts are the battle ground for emotions and behaviors.  If you can successfully change your thoughts by focusing on positives, strengths, and abilities, then you can begin to change your behaviors and feelings.  Thoughts impact both feelings and behaviors.  Although they are all linked together, it is not necessary to change your feelings prior to your behaviors.

Have you ever felt like staying home from work, but you went to work anyways?  You may not "feel like" getting out of bed, but you do, because you are actively choosing to go to work.  You do not have to give into your feelings, but your thoughts will cause you to give into your feelings.  If you think, "I don't have to go to work because no one cares if I show up and I don't like my job so I will just use sick time"...then your feelings of "I don't feel like getting out of bed and going to work" will be justified and your behaviors will follow.  Changing your thoughts works in every area of your life, including in your relationships.  You will continue to settle for less if you believe (think) you deserve less and your feelings and behaviors will demonstrate those thoughts and beliefs.

You may be thinking that just changing your thoughts after decades of living a life in those thoughts is difficult.  You're right. It is difficult and it can seem impossible. And that is your current mindset talking. You have to take action on making a change without feeling it.  The feeling will follow the consistent actions.  

Thinking positive thoughts is a choice.  You cannot change your feelings, but you can change your thoughts and behaviors.  Changing your thoughts leads to a change in behavior, which inevitably leads to a change in feelings.  I challenge you to try it. 

Take one area of your life where you are not succeeding, where you are not happy, and evaluate your thoughts about the situation.  Write down your thoughts about it.  Then, change the language to positive, strength, ability based language.  This is where you challenge yourself to identify and speak about the positives in your situation, your strengths to overcome it, and your abilities to carry you through the storm.  When you resort to old thinking, correct it with the new language each time you have that old, negative thought.  When you confront your thoughts, you inevitably confront your behaviors, attitudes, and feelings.  You have to make a CHOICE to confront and change your thoughts and only then will you see the light of your transformation in the midst of the storm!

Power thoughts empower your life! 

xoxo Crystal

P.S. If you are having a difficult time and would like some extra help with making over your mindset and learning to tap into those power thoughts to empower and transform your life...I am here to help you.  Click here


The Power of Your Words as a Parent